

Independent Games Festival

Dungeon Delvers- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF China 2015 (Singapore)

Dungeon Delvers- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2015 (Singapore)

Lurking- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)

Lurking- Excellence in Technology (Professional Category), IGF China 2014 (Singapore)

Lurking- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)

Iris- Excellent Student Winner,IGF China 2014 (Singapore)

Iris- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)

Meowchine Mayhem- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)

Descension: Depths of De’Mae- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2013 (Singapore)

Perspective- Finalist, Technical Excellence (Professional Category), IGF 2013

Super Space ____- Finalist, Excellence in Design (Professional Category), IGF 2013

Chrono Disfunglement- Honorable Mention, Student Showcase, IGF 2013

Blockhead- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2012 (Singapore)

Flip's Adventure- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2012 (Singapore)

Potawatomi- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2012 (Singapore)

Pixi- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2012 (Singapore)

Nous- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2012

Nitronic Rush- Honorable Mention, Student Showcase, IGF 2012

Nitronic Rush- Honorable Mention, Technical Excellence (Professional Category), IGF 2012

Be Good- Honorable Mention, Student Showcase, IGF 2012

Solace- Winner, Student Showcase, IGF 2011

Pixi- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2011 (Singapore)

Pixi- Excellent Student Winner, IGF China 2011 (Singapore)

Terra: The Legend of the Geochine- IGF Student Finalist, GDC China 2011 (Singapore)

Void- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2011 (Singapore)

Void– Winner, Best Student Game, China IGF 2011 (Singapore)

Void–Excellence in Technology (Professional Category), China IGF 2011 (Singapore)

Dreamside Maroon- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2010

Igneous- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2010

GEAR- Honorable Mention, IGF 2010

Tag: The Power of Paint- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF 2009

Tag: The Power of Paint- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2009

Empyreal Nocturne- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2008

Synaesthete- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF 2008

Synaesthete- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2008

Synaesthete- Finalist, Excellence in Visual Arts (Professional Category), IGF 2008

Base Invaders- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2007

Gelatin Joe- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2007

Toblo- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF 2007

Toblo- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2007

Toblo- Finalist, Design Innovation Award (Professional Category), IGF 2007

Narbacular Drop- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2006

Orblitz- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2006

Sea of Chaos- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2006

Rumble Box- Finalist, Innovation in Game Design (Professional Category), IGF 2006

Kisses- Finalist (Professional Category), IGF 2005

Kisses- Finalist (Open Category), IGF 2005

Rock Station- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2005

Scavenger Hunt- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2005

Ice Wars- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2004

Bontago- Winner, Innovation in Game Design (Professional Category), IGF 2004

Scrapped- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2004

Crazy Cross- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003

Vektor Space- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003

Mall Monster- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003

Valence- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003

Commando Attack Sub- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2002

Thugs- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2002

GenJox- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2001

Matrix Attack- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2001

PAX 10

Flickers- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2014

Deity- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2012

A Flipping Good Time- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2011

Solace- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2010

Tag: The Power of Paint- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2009

Indie Game Challenge

Nitronic Rush- Gamer's Choice Award, Voted on by the Public, Indie Game Challenge 2012

Nitronic Rush- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2012

The Fourth Wall- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2012

Solace- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2011

Subsonic- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2011

GEAR- Non-Professional Grand Prize Winner, Indie Game Challenge 2010

GEAR- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2010

Dreamside Maroon- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2010

Other Game Awards

RumbleTV- Winner, E3 College Game Competition 2015

girl, i see right thru u, Bronze Winner, Games for Good (Student), Serious Play Awards 2015

Close Your Eyes- Finalist, IndieCade 2014

Sunder- Winner, Audience Choice Award, IndieCade 2014

Sunder- Official Selection, IndieCade 2014

Chained- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2014

Chained- Gold Winner, Games for Good, International Serious Play Awards 2014

Lurking- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2014

SubRay- Finalist, Indie Game Contest, Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival 2014

SubRay- Winner, Intel Developer Showcase Award, Intel Buzz Workshop 2014

Inaris: The Cloud Temple- Finalist, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2014

Iona: Coded Will- Finalist, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2014

Umbra Chronicles- Finalist, Indie Game Contest, Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival 2014

Umbra Chronicles- Finalist, Best Student Game, Gamelab Barcelona 2014

Umbra Chronicles-Winner, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2013

Umbra Chronicles- Finalist, Best Sound Award, hóPlay 2013

Twisted- Finalist, Best Student Game, Gamelab Barcelona 2013

Perspective- Finalist, Best Gameplay, Brazilian International Game Festival 2012

Perspective- Finalist, Best Original Idea Award, hóPlay 2012

Perspective- Finalist, Playability Award, hóPlay 2012

Super Space-----_____- Finalist, IndieCade 2012

Molto Vivace- Finalist, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2012

Douse- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2012

Deity- Grand Prize Winner, Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Nitronic Rush- Technical Excellence Winner, Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Grand Prize), Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Best Audio), Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Nitronic Rush- Winner (Playability Award), hóPlay 2012

Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Best Sound/Music Award), hóPlay 2012

Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Best Design Award), hóPlay 2012

Nitronic Rush- Winner, Best Independent Game Award, Fun & Serious Games Festival 2012

Leshy- Finalist (Technical Excellence), Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Leshy- Finalist (Best Design), Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Leshy- Finalist (Best Audio), Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Nous- Best Narrative Award, Brazilian International Game Festival 2012

Gear: Full Circle- Honorable Mention, Independent Propeller Awards 2012

The Fourth Wall- Honorable Mention, Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Solstice- Winner, Kinect Award, hóPlay 2012

Solstice- Honorable Mention, Independent Propeller Awards 2012

Solstice- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2011

Solace- Finalist, IndieCade 2010

Solace- Honorable Mention, Independent Propellor Awards 2012

A Flipping Good Time- Official Selection, Extra Credits Innovation Award, LOGIN 2011

Sowlar- Finalist, IndieCade 2009

Toblo- Finalist, Slamdance 2007

Base Invaders- Finalist, Slamdance 2007

Toblo- Best Game on the Go Winner, Intel Games Demo 2006

Toblo- Audience Award, Northwest Games Festival 2006

Narbacular Drop- Finalist, Slamdance 2006

Rumble Box- Physics Award, Slamdance 2006

Rumble Box- Finalist, Slamdance 2006

Scavenger Hunt- Audience Award, Slamdance 2005

Scavenger Hunt- Finalist, Slamdance 2005
