

1. 安博瑞德有六名校友成为美国航天局宇航员。

Six ERAU alumni are current or former astronauts.

2. 安博瑞德是美国投资回报率最高的5%院校之一。

ERAU ranked top 5% among US colleges on “Return on Investment”by Payscale.

3. 在著名杂志“航空周刊”年度最受企业青睐的院校排名榜上名列前茅。

Among tops schools by Aviation Week’s Talent Pipeline.

4. 工程学院及航天工程专业持续在最具权威的《美国新闻与世界报道》排名榜上名列前茅。

Both College of Engineering and Aerospace Engineering among top ranked programs in the US by U.S. News & World Report.

5. 工程物理专业是全美最大的同类专业之一。

Engineering Physics program is one of the largest of all such ABET-accredited programs in the nation.

5. 美国各大航空公司录用的安博瑞德毕业生超过美国其他任何一所大学。

Major airlines hire more alumni from Embry-Riddle than from any other collegiate aviation programs in the US.

7. 拥有全美最大的航空科学(职业飞行员)专业,美国1/4的民航飞行员毕业于安博瑞德。

The largest Aeronautical Science (professional pilot) program in the nation – as large as the other top 10 US collegiate flight programs combined (25% of commercial pilots from Embry-Riddle)

9. 为美国航空管理局提供最多拥有本科学位的空中交通管制人员。

Nation’s largest supplier of air traffic controllers with bachelor degrees to the FAA.

10. 2019 年 Aerospace Engineering(航天工程)专业全美第四。(U.S News)
